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Past Life Regression

Flyer: Saco Healing Arts Center

Free Self Hypnosis online Session: Mental Massage

I have recorded a Free Self-hypnosis program "Mental Massage Wellness" that I have been successful to put in a note folder. If you would like me to send it to your email, please contact me with your email and I will send out to you. It is 24 minutes long. At completion of session or within 5 - 7 minutes, you will realize that you are relaxed


Brianna, "Nines" who was sole winner for Doodle for Google for the entire state of Maine. Although she did not place nationally, she has a bright education and future ahead of her. Picture at award "Berceuse (lullaby). I care for myself by slowing down, listening to music and taking a long walk through my town." She finds joy in the mundane, music and art and inspired many.

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