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Five Easy Steps

FIVE Easy Steps to Optimal Health Smorgasbord: Consider Some or All.

I have spent much time analyzing and practicing modalities and offerings to help me and my clients and to expand my expertise to the next level. I recommend offerings from my practice and other respected practitioners and sources to blend your goals together !


1. KCR Kinetic Chain Release: www:


I recently completed Level II training for this exciting NEW to the

US protocol to bring the body back into balance, in many

cases alleviating problems such as weak ankles, knee problems,

hip and joint pain, pelvic discomforts, back, shoulder, neck pain,

TMJ, headaches and more.




Myofacia awareness and self exercise is part of KCR


2. Nutritionals – USANA (Teamnorthrup (Dr. Christiana)


USANA Supplements for Inflammation (Procasa, Proflavinol,


Free Health Assessment You will

receive health assessment even if you do not place an order. If

you wish to place an order, please contact me for

wholesale price.

Please ask about the Reset (weight and maintenance program)

offered by USANA.


3. Hypnosis

Individual in office session or CD Program: Weight

Control/Personal Power; Smoking Cessation (3 part Series),

Excellence in Golf through Hypnosis. Individual sessions on area

of this focus. In office visits to meet client's needs which may

include Wellness, Metaphysical Healing and Releasement, Mental

Massage, Happiness, Health and Success, Pregnancy,“Paradise for

Dental Procedures”, Excellence in Golf, Super Kids and Past Life

Regression to name several as well as any topic of positive

change. Clients begin with children age 10.

New offerings: An Energy Exchange program that taps into the universal knowledge and energy spectrum


4. Reiki:   Ask about an introductory session following Hypnosis


Usui Reiki conducts vital energy from the universal energy field into

the human energy field for optimal development and fulfillment

promoting highest healing and relaxation.

Ho’oponopono – a Hawaiian


5. Manifest your joy

M= D - R Example: If you manifest a goal (as Desire 9 out of 10)

and your Resistance by thinking probability is a 5, then you have 9-5=

40 percent chance it will occur . Perhaps manifest a desire closer to

10 with Zero Resistance. I can help you with that process.

Suggested Readings and Sites:


Ignite Calm: Book and interview that


Free the Unicorn – Hugh Gilbert

Love Affair with Money – Kate Northrup

Goddesses Never Age: - Dr. Christiane Northrup

Sites and Information:

Signup for Free Holestic Collaborative Contributors Digital

online Magazine: Inner Tapestry

Elemental Attunement Jewelry by Silla:

Look for: Time of Healing- group session offered bi annually by Hugh


Barbara Foss,      CH: 207-934-4133


Brianna, "Nines" who was sole winner for Doodle for Google for the entire state of Maine. Although she did not place nationally, she has a bright education and future ahead of her. Picture at award "Berceuse (lullaby). I care for myself by slowing down, listening to music and taking a long walk through my town." She finds joy in the mundane, music and art and inspired many.

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